Resolution by Agreement Hkicpa

Posted by: admin | Posted on: mei 14th, 2022 | 0 Comments

Resolution by Agreement: What You Need to Know as an HKICPA Member

As a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), you may encounter disputes or conflicts with clients, colleagues, or other parties. These disputes can arise from various causes, such as misunderstandings, divergent expectations, or breaches of professional standards.

In such situations, you have several options to resolve the dispute, including litigation, mediation, arbitration, or settlement. Among these alternatives, the resolution by agreement (RBA) is a practical and cost-effective approach that can provide satisfactory outcomes for both parties.

What is Resolution by Agreement?

Resolution by agreement is a process of resolving disputes through mutual consent and negotiation, without the need for formal legal proceedings or third-party intervention. The RBA can take different forms, such as informal discussions, formal meetings, correspondence, or mediation.

The RBA process involves the following steps:

1. Identifying the Issues: The first step is to identify the issues in dispute and clarify the parties` positions and interests. This can involve gathering information, documentation, and evidence to support your claims or defenses.

2. Proposing Solutions: Once you have identified the issues, you can propose possible solutions or alternatives that could address the parties` concerns and interests. These solutions can be presented in writing or orally, depending on the nature and complexity of the dispute.

3. Negotiating and Compromising: The next step is to negotiate and compromise with the other party to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. This can involve making concessions, adjusting your expectations, or seeking creative options that can satisfy both parties` needs.

4. Documenting the Agreement: Once you have achieved a resolution, you should document the agreement in writing and sign it. This agreement should clearly state the terms and conditions of the settlement, the responsibilities of each party, and the consequences of any breach or dispute.

Benefits of Resolution by Agreement for HKICPA Members

As an HKICPA member, you can benefit from the resolution by agreement process in several ways, such as:

1. Cost-Effective: The RBA process is generally less costly than litigation or arbitration, as it does not involve legal fees, expert witnesses, or court costs.

2. Time-Saving: The RBA process is usually faster than legal proceedings, as it does not require court schedules, procedural delays, or appeals.

3. Confidentiality: The RBA process can be kept confidential, as it does not involve public hearings or court records.

4. Control: The RBA process allows the parties to control the outcome of the dispute, as they can negotiate and decide the terms of the settlement.

5. Preservation of Relationships: The RBA process can preserve the parties` relationships, as it allows for mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.


In conclusion, resolution by agreement is a useful and practical approach for HKICPA members to resolve disputes and conflicts. As a professional, you can optimize your website or content by including relevant keywords and phrases related to the RBA, such as “HKICPA dispute resolution,” “resolution by agreement Hong Kong,” or “HKICPA dispute settlement.” By doing so, you can attract more readers and potential clients who are looking for effective and efficient ways to resolve their disputes.

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